Storybook Roof Case Study
Louisville, Kentucky
Homeowner Insurance Claim
Roofing Artisans as Insurance Consultant
A storybook roof of a home in Louisville, KY was damaged by hail. The homeowner's insurance company paid an initial settlement of $11,000, an amount the insurance company knew was not enough to cover the repair. The insurance company contacted Roofing Artisans to help establish a realistic restoration value.
Insurance company had no prior experience with storybook roofs.
Poorly installed roof by prior contractor (not to Industry Standard).
Insurance company did not know how to properly value the repair costs:
Travel compensation not included in initial settlement.
Industry Standard and Best practice for Storybook roofs not known by insurance companies.
Materials needed type, quality, quantities not familiar to insurance companies.
Labor rates, travel costs and installation process unknown.
Several insurance adjusters got involved despite little knowledge of storybook roofs.
Upper-level management for the insurance company got involved pushing for a solution.
Eight months of conferences and calls with State Farm, homeowner, and Roofing Artisans bringing insurance company up-to-date on proper installation, materials, and labor costs of a storybook roof.
Citing Kentucky's right to match statute, Roofing Artisans was able to include the entire roof not just hail-damaged portions.
The claim was successfully settled in favor of the homeowner.
The final amount awarded was more than $240,000.
The payout is a significant increase from original offer of $11,000
Well worth the time spent in negotiation.
Free initial consultation
Roofing Artisans will guarantee a fair insurance settlement on your behalf
You are under no obligation to hire Roofing Artisans for repair of your roof.
We can also act as project managers with your roofers to ensure best practices and proper compliance with local and state ordinances.