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Custom Cedar Shingles

Storybook, Cottage-Style, Steam-Bent, Wave-Course, Thatch Style Roof Repair and Restoration

We specialize in exquisite, uniquely-designed Steam-Bent, Wave- Course, and Thatched Roofs.  No other contractor comes close to matching our intricacy and value added.

steam-bent cedar

Steam-Bent Cedar

Roofing Artisans has developed a proprietary process for designing your historic restoration Storybook cedar wood-shingle roofing project.  Our process provides you with many design options based on your budget and aesthetic. From mild cedar wave-coursing to high-design cedar wave-coursing.

At Roofing Artisans, steam-bending cedar wood-shingles is an art into itself. We create templates for each bend required for each of our projects, typically between 20-25 different radial bends are needed.  And of course some very custom bends too!

steam-bent cedar

A storybook roof requires 10,000 or more cedar wood-shingle pieces, each separately hand-bent by our team. 



Brian Calamita

At Roofing Artisans, Artisans actually means something. We use journeyman roofers and expert installers of cedar wood-shingles, using only “Best Practices,” or “Industry Standard,” as our minimum installation requirements. Every cedar wood-shingle roof we install is at the premium level, using only the best materials, and the best installation methods used for centuries on Storybook cedar wood-shingle roof homes. 

custom steam-bent shingles


Roofing Artisans provides a uniquely custom product, with all cedar, steam-bent by hand, custom fit for your project, and designed to highlight the architecture features of your home. 

Roofing Artisans’ process combines artisanship, art, and design with a modern approach to a centuries-old trade. The result is a beautiful Storybook cedar wood-shingle roof that will last decades with a stunning result. 


Call Roofing Artisans today to get your Storybook Cedar roofing project started today!   Call 216.322.1817.

Highest quality cedar shingles
cedar shingle steam pot

​Services Offered

From Design & Installation to Consulting

  • Design and Install new roofs for restoration or repair of older storybook roofs with custom shingles.

  • Consulting to contractors or homeowners who already selected a roofing contractor near them on proper storybook roof installation.

  • Insurance Representation to help you  get an adequate and fair insurance settlement when your insurance company offers too little compensation.      READ CASE STUDY

Call or Text Roofing Artisans to get started:  

Hours  9am to 6pm ET 

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Customer Testimonials


"It needs to be saved.  It isn't that it's remodeling a house...the whole reason for this that it's just architecturally so significant that it needed to be saved."

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Call Roofing Artisans 216-321-1817

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